Newcastle Gaol




What They Said

“In short - amazing!  
This is exceptional work and really captures everything we delivered”

Dr Shane McCorristine — Newcastle University


Newcastle Gaol

Newcastle University approached us to create an engaging history of the former gaol in Newcastle. Built in the c19th and eventually closed and demolished in 1925, there are now no remaining signs of this once imposing structure that housed many infamous prisoners and even played host to c19th and early c20th executions. A research project was undertaken to try and recover this lost history.

As part of this project, they wanted a website and a video documenting all the research that had been undertaken. So, we worked with key team members, local archives and public institutions to create a project video that showed the fascinating history, but also what the project had delivered. This was a deeply rewarding and fascinating project to work on.


  • Working with archival documents

  • Multi-contributor video

  • Filming public events

  • Drone and ground filming

  • Additional graphics work

Related projects:

Our video sits within the website that we built for the project, detailing the history of the gaol. See more about our website here.

Newcastle Gaol Website


Our website and video project was nominated for an Engaging for Cultural Benefit Award.
